Easy Static Friction Coefficient Measurement Allows Use as a Research, Inspection and Teaching Aid
The test piece is installed on the ascending board and flat indenter. The ascending board is provided with a sensor that monitors the movement of the flat indenter.
The ascending board starts from the horizontal position, and the tilt increases when the measurement begins. The sensor detects the motion when the flat indenter begins to slide, and instantly stops the ascending board.
The angle and tan?? at this time should be read.
Measurement of almost any kind of test piece surface can be carried out, including metal, fabric, paper, rubber, and film.
The test piece can be mounted either on the ascending board or the flat indenter.
By applying lubricant to the test piece, tribology research can also be carried out.
Since the ascending board rises smoothly and stops electronically, there will be no measurement variations between individuals.
The readings when the ascending board stops can be used as the slide angle (°) and the static friction coefficient (tanθ).
Average 10°/6 sec (10°/3 sec during return)
Reversible Motor
Static Friction Coefficient 0-1.5 (Minimum gradation 0.005)
Slide Angle 0-56° (Minimum Gradation 0.5°)
Ascending Plate: Maximum 300mm x 120mm
Flat Indenter: 75 x 35mm (Contact surface)
Weight150g or 200g (By adjusting the weight)
0-50℃ RH85% or less (Non-condensing)
Main Unit: W470mm x D290mm x H420mm
Flat Indenter 1 unit, Power Cable (2P with E, 2m) 1 piece,
Vinyl Cover 1 piece, Operation Manual 1 book